Source code for identification

Created on Nov. 26, 2017
@author: Joseph C. Slater
__license__ = "Joseph C. Slater"

__docformat__ = 'reStructuredText'

import numpy as np
import scipy.linalg as la
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

System Identification

Array convention for data/FRFs:

Frequency Response Functions
| 0 dimension is the output
| 1 dimension is the frequency index
| 2 dimension is the input

Time Histories
| 0 dimension is the output
| 1 dimension is the time
| 2 dimension is the instance index
| 3 dimension is the input

Spectrum Densities
| 0 dimension is the output (Cross Spectrum) or channel (Auto Spectrums)
| 1 dimension is the frequency index
| 2 dimension is the instance index
| 3 dimension is the input (Cross Spectrum Densities)


[docs]def sdof_cf(f, TF, Fmin=None, Fmax=None): """Curve fit to a single degree of freedom FRF. Only one peak may exist in the segment of the FRF passed to sdofcf. No zeros may exist within this segment. If so, curve fitting becomes unreliable. If Fmin and Fmax are not entered, the first and last elements of TF are used. Parameters ---------- f: array The frequency vector in Hz. Does not have to start at 0 Hz. TF: array The complex transfer function Fmin: int The minimum frequency to be used for curve fitting in the FRF Fmax: int The maximum frequency to be used for curve fitting in the FRF Returns ------- z: double The damping ratio nf: double Natural frequency (Hz) a: double The numerator of the identified transfer functions Plot of the FRF magnitude and phase. Examples -------- >>> # First we need to load the sampled data which is in a .mat file >>> import vibrationtesting as vt >>> import as sio >>> data = sio.loadmat(vt.__path__[0] + '/data/case1.mat') >>> #print(data) >>> # Data is imported as arrays. Modify then to fit our function. >>> TF = data['Hf_chan_2'] >>> f = data['Freq_domain'] >>> # Now we are able to call the function >>> z, nf, a = vt.sdof_cf(f,TF,500,1000) >>> nf 212.092530551... Notes ----- Author: Original Joseph C. Slater. Python version, Gabriel Loranger """ # check fmin fmax existance if Fmin is None: inlow = 0 else: inlow = Fmin if Fmax is None: inhigh = np.size(f) else: inhigh = Fmax if f[inlow] == 0: inlow = 1 f = f[inlow:inhigh, :] TF = TF[inlow:inhigh, :] R = TF y = np.amax(np.abs(TF)) cin = np.argmax(np.abs(TF)) ll = np.size(f) w = f * 2 * np.pi * 1j w2 = w * 0 R3 = R * 0 for i in range(1, ll + 1): R3[i - 1] = np.conj(R[ll - i]) w2[i - 1] = np.conj(w[ll - i]) w = np.vstack((w2, w)) R = np.vstack((R3, R)) N = 2 x, y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(0, N + 1), R) x, w2d = np.meshgrid(np.arange(0, N + 1), w) c = -1 * w**N * R aa1 = w2d[:, np.arange(0, N)] \ ** x[:, np.arange(0, N)] \ * y[:, np.arange(0, N)] aa2 = -w2d[:, np.arange(0, N + 1)] \ ** x[:, np.arange(0, N + 1)] aa = np.hstack((aa1, aa2)) aa = np.reshape(aa, [-1, 5]) b, _, _, _ = la.lstsq(aa, c) rs = np.roots(np.array([1, b[1], b[0]])) omega = np.abs(rs[1]) z = -1 * np.real(rs[1]) / np.abs(rs[1]) nf = omega / 2 / np.pi XoF1 = np.hstack(([1 / (w - rs[0]), 1 / (w - rs[1])])) XoF2 = 1 / (w**0) XoF3 = 1 / w**2 XoF = np.hstack((XoF1, XoF2, XoF3)) # check if extra _ needed a, _, _, _ = la.lstsq(XoF, R) XoF = XoF[np.arange(ll, 2 * ll), :].dot(a) a = np.sqrt(-2 * np.imag(a[0]) * np.imag(rs[0]) - 2 * np.real(a[0]) * np.real(rs[0])) Fmin = np.min(f) Fmax = np.max(f) phase = np.unwrap(np.angle(TF), np.pi, 0) * 180 / np.pi phase2 = np.unwrap(np.angle(XoF), np.pi, 0) * 180 / np.pi while phase2[cin] > 50: phase2 = phase2 - 360 phased = phase2[cin] - phase[cin] phase = phase + np.round(phased / 360) * 360 fig = plt.figure() ax1 = fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 1) ax2 = fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 2) fig.tight_layout() ax1.set_xlabel('Frequency (Hz)') ax1.set_ylabel('Magnitude (dB)') ax1.plot(f, 20 * np.log10(np.abs(XoF)), label="Identified FRF") ax1.plot(f, 20 * np.log10(np.abs(TF)), label="Experimental FRF") ax1.legend() ax2.set_xlabel('Frequency (Hz)') ax2.set_ylabel('Phase (deg)') ax2.plot(f, phase2, label="Identified FRF") ax2.plot(f, phase, label="Experimental FRF") ax2.legend() a = a[0]**2 / (2 * np.pi * nf)**2 return z, nf, a
[docs]def mdof_cf(f, TF, Fmin=None, Fmax=None): """ Curve fit to multiple degree of freedom FRF If Fmin and Fmax are not entered, the first and last elements of TF are used. If the first column of TF is a collocated (input and output location are the same), then the mode shape returned is the mass normalized mode shape. This can then be used to generate an identified mass, damping, and stiffness matrix as shown in the following example. Parameters ---------- f: array The frequency vector in Hz. Does not have to start at 0 Hz. TF: array The complex transfer function Fmin: int The minimum frequency to be used for curve fitting in the FRF Fmax: int The maximum frequency to be used for curve fitting in the FRF Returns ------- z: double The damping ratio nf: double Natural frequency (Hz) u: array The mode shape Notes ----- FRF are columns comprised of the FRFs presuming single input, multiple output z and nf are the damping ratio and natural frequency (Hz) u is the mode shape. Only one peak may exist in the segment of the FRF passed to sdofcf. No zeros may exist within this segment. If so, curve fitting becomes unreliable. Author: Original Joseph C. Slater. Python version, Gabriel Loranger Examples -------- >>> # First we need to load the sampled data which is in a .mat file >>> import vibrationtesting as vt >>> import as sio >>> data = sio.loadmat(vt.__path__[0] + '/data/case2.mat') >>> #print(data) >>> # Data is imported as arrays. Modify then to fit our function >>> TF = data['Hf_chan_2'] >>> f = data['Freq_domain'] >>> # Now we are able to call the function >>> z, nf, a = vt.mdof_cf(f,TF,500,1000) >>> nf 192.59382330... """ # check fmin fmax existance if Fmin is None: inlow = 0 else: inlow = Fmin if Fmax is None: inhigh = np.size(f) else: inhigh = Fmax if f[inlow] == 0: inlow = 1 f = f[inlow:inhigh, :] TF = TF[inlow:inhigh, :] R = TF.T U, _, _ = np.linalg.svd(R) T = U[:, 0] Hp = np.transpose(T).dot(R) R = np.transpose(Hp) ll = np.size(f) w = f * 2 * np.pi * 1j w2 = w * 0 R3 = R * 0 TF2 = TF * 0 for i in range(1, ll + 1): R3[i - 1] = np.conj(R[ll - i]) w2[i - 1] = np.conj(w[ll - i]) TF2[i - 1, :] = np.conj(TF[ll - i, :]) w = np.vstack((w2, w)) R = np.hstack((R3, R)) N = 2 x, y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(0, N + 1), R) x, w2d = np.meshgrid(np.arange(0, N + 1), w) R = np.ndarray.flatten(R) w = np.ndarray.flatten(w) c = -1 * w**N * R aa1 = w2d[:, np.arange(0, N)] \ ** x[:, np.arange(0, N)] \ * y[:, np.arange(0, N)] aa2 = -w2d[:, np.arange(0, N + 1)] \ ** x[:, np.arange(0, N + 1)] aa = np.hstack((aa1, aa2)) b, _, _, _ = la.lstsq(aa, c) rs = np.roots(np.array([1, b[1], b[0]])) omega = np.abs(rs[1]) z = -1 * np.real(rs[1]) / np.abs(rs[1]) nf = omega / 2 / np.pi XoF1 = 1 / ((rs[0] - w) * (rs[1] - w)) XoF2 = 1 / (w**0) XoF3 = 1 / w**2 XoF = np.vstack((XoF1, XoF2, XoF3)).T TF3 = np.vstack((TF2, TF)) a, _, _, _ = la.lstsq(XoF, TF3) u = np.transpose(a[0, :]) u = u / np.sqrt(np.abs(a[0, 0])) return z, nf, u
[docs]def cmif(freq, H, freq_min=None, freq_max=None, plot=True): '''Complex mode indicator function Plots the complex mode indicator function Parameters ---------- freq : array The frequency vector in Hz. Does not have to start at 0 Hz. H : array The complex frequency response function freq_min : float, optional The minimum frequency to be plotted freq_max : float, optional The maximum frequency to be plotted plot : boolean, optional (True) Whether to also plot mode indicator functions Returns ------- cmifs : complex mode indicator functions Examples -------- >>> import vibrationtesting as vt >>> M = np.diag([1,1,1]) >>> K = K = np.array([[3.03, -1, -1],[-1, 2.98, -1],[-1, -1, 3]]) >>> Damping = K/100 >>> Cd = np.eye(3) >>> Cv = Ca = np.zeros_like(Cd) >>> Bt = np.eye(3) >>> H_all = np.zeros((3,1000,3), dtype = 'complex128') >>> for i in np.arange(1, 4): ... for j in np.arange(1, 4): ... omega, H_all[i-1,:,j-1] = vt.sos_frf(M, Damping/10, K, Bt, ... Cd, Cv, Ca, 0, 3, i, ... j, num_freqs = 1000) >>> _ = vt.cmif(omega, H_all) Notes ----- .. note:: Allemang, R. and Brown, D., “A Complete Review of the Complex Mode Indicator Function (CMIF) With Applications,” Proceedings of ISMA International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, 2006. ''' if freq_max is None: freq_max = np.max(freq) # print(str(freq_max)) if freq_min is None: freq_min = 0 if freq_min < np.min(freq): freq_min = np.min(freq) if freq_min > freq_max: raise ValueError('freq_min must be less than freq_max.') # print(str(np.amin(freq))) # lenF = freq.shape[1] cmifs = np.zeros((max([H.shape[0], H.shape[2]]), max(freq.shape))) for i, freq_i in enumerate(freq.reshape(-1)): _, vals, _ = np.linalg.svd(H[:, i, :]) cmifs[:, i] = np.sort(vals).T if plot is True: fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) ax.plot(freq.T, np.log10(cmifs.T)) ax.grid('on') ax.set_ylabel('Maginitudes') ax.set_title('Complex Mode Indicator Functions') ax.set_xlabel('Frequency') ax.set_xlim(xmax=freq_max, xmin=freq_min) return cmifs