.. _installing_python: Installing Python _________________ In order to be able to use the Vibration Testing module you need a working scientific python installation. The easiest path to this is to install Python via `Anaconda`_. **You must install** Python 3.5 or later for the Vibration Testing module to work. **Do note install Python 2.7.** This proceeds as a normal install on your platform (Mac, Windows, Linux...). Subsequently you must update some components of Anaconda by using the *conda* command from the *Anaconda Command Prompt*. On Windows, this runs as an actual program. To ensure the conda package list is as up to date as possible:: conda update conda Then update everything else with:: conda update --all Then, .. code-block:: bash conda install jupyter To use `Jupyter`_ (the notebook), launch a terminal on Mac or Linux, or the Anaconda Terminal on Windows (or similar name) and type: .. code-block:: bash jupyter notebook It's all in the GUI from here. You just need to play around a bit. .. _github: http://www.github.com .. _Anaconda: http://continuum.io/downloads .. _Jupyter: http://www.jupyter.org