Installation ------------ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 3 Installing_Python Easy Installation _________________ If you aren't familiar at all with Python, please see `Installing Python `_. Installation is made easy with ``pip`` (or ``pip3``), with releases as we have time while we try to create a full first release. Much of it works already, but we certainly need issue reports (on `github `_). To install:: pip install --user vibrationtesting where ``--user`` isn't necessary if you are using a locally installed version of Python such as `Anaconda `_. To run, I recommend you open a `Jupyter`_ notebook by using ``jupyter notebook`` and then type:: import vibrationtesting as vt For examples, see the `example ipynb notebooks `_. Some of these have interactive capabilities that are only apparent when you load them with `Jupyter`_ instead of just looking at them on github. Sorry- these are very rough right now. You can see the `less rough notebooks `_ used to make the manual as well. Installation of current development version ___________________________________________ The usage documentation is far behind the current code, while the reference is way ahead of the released code due to the `autodoc `_ capability of `Sphinx `_. Especially as of 2017, the code is in rapid development. So is the documentation. To get the most current version and stay up to date see the file `CONTRIBUTING.rst `_ in the github repository. .. _Jupyter: