Source code for signals

Signal processing, creation and plotting.

Analysis of data and generation of simulated experiments.
__license__ = "Joseph C. Slater"

__docformat__ = 'reStructuredText'

# import warnings

import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import scipy.fftpack as fftpack
import scipy.linalg as la
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.integrate as spi
import scipy.signal as signal

Sept. 3, 2016
Development of windows in scipy.signal has been rapid and
determining what I should build into this module, or simply leverage
from scipy.signal has been a moving target.
It's now apparent that creating or returning a window is pointless. Further,
Applying should be a relatively simple code obviating much of any need for the
code here.

The cross spectrum analysis formerly lacking is now available, periodogram
is usually the best option, however not with impulse excitations. See
`scipy.signal` for this. Unfortunately, the conventions in this module are not
consistent with `scipy.signal`. They follow those of `python-control`

FRF calculation is typically trivial, Hv being an expected gap long term
MIMO FRF calculation is an open question. Pretty printing of FRFs is always
a welcome tool.

System ID is likely the remaining missing aspect at this time.

In order to be consistent with the Control Systems Library, increasing time
or increasing frequency steps positively with increased column number (one
dimension). Rows (0 dimension)
correspond to appropriate channels, output numbers, etc.

For cross spectrum data (cross spectrum density, frequency response function)
the 2 dimension represents the input channel.

The last dimension (2 or 3) indexes each data instance (experiment). That means
that an unaveraged cross spectrum density has dimension 4. If there is only a
single input channel, it is imperative to insist the dimention exist, even if
only length 1. This is analagous to a vector being Nx1 versus simply a
1-D array of length 1.

Problem: This hasn't been fully implemented.

[docs]def window(x, windowname='hanning', normalize=False): r"""Create leakage window. Create a window of length :math:`x`, or a window sized to match :math:`x` that :math:`x\times w` is the windowed result. Parameters ---------- x: integer, float array | If integer- number of points in desired hanning windows. | If array- array provides size of window returned. windowname: string One of: hanning, hamming, blackman, flatwin, boxwin normalize: bool, optional(False) Adjust power level (for use in ASD) to 1 Returns ------- w: float array | window array of size x | window array. Windowed array is then :math:`x\times w` Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> import vibrationtesting as vt >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> sample_freq = 1e3 >>> tfinal = 5 >>> fs = 100 >>> A = 10 >>> freq = 5 >>> noise_power = 0.001 * sample_freq / 2 >>> time = np.reshape(np.arange(0, tfinal, 1/sample_freq),(1,-1)) >>> xsin = A*np.sin(2*np.pi*freq*time) >>> xcos = A*np.cos(2*np.pi*freq*time) # assembling individual records. >>> x=np.dstack((xsin,xcos)) # assembling individual records. vstack >>> xw=vt.hanning(x)*x >>> fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2,1) >>> ax1.plot(time.T,x[:,:,1].T) [<matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at ...>] >>> ax1.set_ylim([-20, 20]) (-20, 20) >>> ax1.set_title('Original (raw) data.') Text(0.5,1,'Original (raw) data.') >>> ax1.set_ylabel('$x(t)$') Text(0,0.5,'$x(t)$') >>> ax2.plot(time[0,:],xw[0,:],time[0,:],vt.hanning(x)[0,:]*A,'--', ... time[0,:],-vt.hanning(x)[0,:]*A,'--') [<matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at ...>] >>> ax2.set_ylabel('Hanning windowed $x(t)$') Text(0,0.5,'Hanning windowed $x(t)$') >>> ax2.set_xlabel('time') Text(0.5,0,'time') >>> ax2.set_title('Effect of window. Note the scaling to conserve ASD amplitude') Text(0.5,1,'Effect of window. Note the scaling to conserve ASD amplitude') >>> fig.tight_layout() """ if isinstance(x, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)): """Create Hanning windowing array of dimension `n` by `N` by `nr` where `N` is number of data points and `n` is the number of number of inputs or outputs and `nr` is the number of records.""" swap = 0 if len(x.shape) == 1: # We have either a scalar or 1D array if x.shape[0] == 1: print("x is a scalar... and shouldn\'t have entered this \ part of the loop.") else: N = len(x) f = window(N, windowname=windowname) elif len(x.shape) == 3: if x.shape[0] > x.shape[1]: x = np.swapaxes(x, 0, 1) swap = 1 print('You shouldn\'t do that.') print('The 1 dimension is the time (or frequency) \ incrementing dimension.') print('Swapping axes temporarily to be compliant with \ expectations. I\'ll fix them in your result') N = x.shape[1] f = window(N, windowname=windowname) f, _, _ = np.meshgrid(f, np.arange( x.shape[0]), np.arange(x.shape[2])) if swap == 1: f = np.swapaxes(f, 0, 1) elif len(x.shape) == 2: # f,_=np.meshgrid(f[0,:],np.arange(x.shape[0])) # print('b') if x.shape[0] > x.shape[1]: x = np.swapaxes(x, 0, 1) swap = 1 print('You shouldn\'t do that.') print('The 1 dimension is the time (or frequency) ' + 'incrementing dimension.') print('Swapping axes temporarily to be compliant with ' + 'expectations.') print('I\'ll reluctantly return a transposed result.') f = window(x.shape[1], windowname=windowname) f, _ = np.meshgrid(f, np.arange(x.shape[0])) if swap == 1: f = np.swapaxes(f, 0, 1) else: # print(x) # Create hanning window of length x N = x # print(N) if windowname is 'hanning': f = np.sin(np.pi * np.arange(N) / (N - 1))**2 * np.sqrt(8 / 3) elif windowname is 'hamming': f = (0.54 - 0.46 * np.cos(2 * np.pi * (np.arange(N)) / (N - 1)))\ * np.sqrt(5000 / 1987) elif windowname is 'blackman': print('blackman') f = (0.42 - 0.5 * np.cos(2 * np.pi * (np.arange(N) + .5) / (N)) + .08 * np.cos(4 * np.pi * (np.arange(N) + .5) / (N)))\ * np.sqrt(5000 / 1523) elif windowname is 'flatwin': f = 1.0 - 1.933 * np.cos(2 * np.pi * (np.arange(N)) / (N - 1))\ + 1.286 * np.cos(4 * np.pi * (np.arange(N)) / (N - 1))\ - 0.338 * np.cos(6 * np.pi * (np.arange(N)) / (N - 1))\ + 0.032 * np.cos(8 * np.pi * (np.arange(N)) / (N - 1)) elif windowname is 'boxwin': f = np.ones((1, N)) else: f = np.ones((1, N)) print("I don't recognize that window name. Sorry") if normalize is True: f = f / la.norm(f) * np.sqrt(N) return f
[docs]def hanning(x, normalize=False): r"""Return hanning window. Create a hanning window of length :math:`x`, or a hanning window sized to match :math:`x` that :math:`x\times w` is the windowed result. Parameters ---------- x: integer, float array | If integer- number of points in desired hanning windows. | If array- array provides size of window returned. windowname: string One of: hanning, hamming, blackman, flatwin, boxwin normalize: bool, optional(False) Adjust power level (for use in ASD) to 1 Returns ------- w: float array | window array of size x | window array. Windowed array is then :math:`x\times w` Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> import vibrationtesting as vt >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> sample_freq = 1e3 >>> tfinal = 5 >>> fs = 100 >>> A = 10 >>> freq = 5 >>> noise_power = 0.001 * sample_freq / 2 >>> time = np.reshape(np.arange(0, tfinal, 1/sample_freq),(1,-1)) >>> xsin = A*np.sin(2*np.pi*freq*time) >>> xcos = A*np.cos(2*np.pi*freq*time) >>> x=np.dstack((xsin,xcos)) # assembling individual records. vstack >>> xw=vt.hanning(x)*x >>> fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2, 1) >>> ax1.plot(time.T,x[:,:,1].T) [<matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at ...>] >>> ax1.set_ylim([-20, 20]) (-20, 20) >>> ax1.set_title('Unwindowed data, 2 records.') Text(0.5,1,'Unwindowed data, 2 records.') >>> ax1.set_ylabel('$x(t)$') Text(0,0.5,'$x(t)$') >>> ax2.plot(time[0,:],xw[0,:],time[0,:],vt.hanning(x)[0,:]*A, ... '--',time[0,:],-vt.hanning(x)[0,:]*A,'--') [<matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at ...>] >>> ax2.set_ylabel('Hanning windowed $x(t)$') Text(0,0.5,'Hanning windowed $x(t)$') >>> ax2.set_xlabel('time') Text(0.5,0,'time') >>> ax2.set_title('Effect of window. Note the scaling to conserve ASD amplitude') Text(0.5,1,'Effect of window. Note the scaling to conserve ASD amplitude') >>> fig.tight_layout() """ if isinstance(x, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)): """Create Hanning windowing array of dimension n by N by nr where N is number of data points and n is the number of number of inputs or outputs and nr is the number of records.""" swap = 0 if len(x.shape) == 1: # We have either a scalar or 1D array if x.shape[0] == 1: print("x is a scalar... and shouldn\'t have \ entered this part of the loop.") else: N = len(x) f = hanning(N) elif len(x.shape) == 3: # print('a') # print(f.shape) if x.shape[0] > x.shape[1]: x = np.swapaxes(x, 0, 1) swap = 1 print('Swapping axes temporarily to be compliant with \ expectations. I\'ll fix them in your result') f = hanning(x.shape[1]) f, _, _ = np.meshgrid(f, np.arange( x.shape[0]), np.arange(x.shape[2])) if swap == 1: f = np.swapaxes(f, 0, 1) elif len(x.shape) == 2: # f,_=np.meshgrid(f[0,:],np.arange(x.shape[0])) # print('b') # print('length = 2') # print(x.shape) if x.shape[0] > x.shape[1]: x = np.swapaxes(x, 0, 1) swap = 1 print('Swapping axes temporarily to be compliant with \ expectations. I\'ll fix them in your result') f = hanning(x.shape[1]) f, _ = np.meshgrid(f, np.arange(x.shape[0])) if swap == 1: f = np.swapaxes(f, 0, 1) else: # print(x) # Create hanning window of length x N = x # print(N) f = np.sin(np.pi * np.arange(N) / (N - 1))**2 * np.sqrt(8 / 3) if normalize is True: f = f / la.norm(f) * np.sqrt(N) return f
[docs]def blackwin(x): """Return the n point Blackman window. Returns x as the Blackman windowing array x_window The windowed signal is then x*x_window """ print('blackwin is untested') if isinstance(x, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)): n = x.shape[1] f = blackwin(n) if len(x.shape) == 3: f, _, _ = np.meshgrid(f[0, :], np.arange( x.shape[0]), np.arange(x.shape[2])) else: f, _ = np.meshgrid(f[0, :], np.arange(x.shape[0])) else: n = x f = np.reshape((0.42 - 0.5 * np.cos(2 * np.pi * (np.arange(n) + .5)) / (n) + .08 * np.cos(4 * np.pi * (np.arange(n) + .5)) / (n)) * np.sqrt(5000 / 1523), (1, -1)) f = f / la.norm(f) * np.sqrt(n) return f
[docs]def expwin(x, ts=.75): """Return the n point exponential window. Returns x as the expwin windowing array x_windowed The windowed signal is then x*x_window The optional second argument set the 5% "settling time" of the window. Default is ts=0.75 """ print('expwin is untested') tc = -ts / np.log(.05) if isinstance(x, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)): n = x.shape[1] f = expwin(n) if len(x.shape) == 3: f, _, _ = np.meshgrid(f[0, :], np.arange( x.shape[0]), np.arange(x.shape[2])) else: f, _ = np.meshgrid(f[0, :], np.arange(x.shape[0])) else: n = x v = (n - 1) / n * np.arange(n) + (n - 1) / n / 2 f = np.exp(-v / tc / (n - 1)) f = f / la.norm(f) * np.sqrt(n) f = np.reshape(f, (1, -1)) f = f / la.norm(f) * np.sqrt(n) return f
[docs]def hammwin(x): """Return the n point hamming window. Returns x as the hamming windowingarray x_windowed The windowed signal is then x*x_window """ print('hammwin is untested') if isinstance(x, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)): n = x.shape[1] f = hammwin(n) if len(x.shape) == 3: f, _, _ = np.meshgrid(f[0, :], np.arange( x.shape[0]), np.arange(x.shape[2])) else: f, _ = np.meshgrid(f[0, :], np.arange(x.shape[0])) else: n = x f = np.reshape((0.54 - 0.46 * np.cos(2 * np.pi * (np.arange(n)) / (n - 1))) * np.sqrt(5000 / 1987), (1, -1)) f = f / la.norm(f) * np.sqrt(n) return f
[docs]def flatwin(x): """Return the n point flat top window. x_windows=flatwin(x) Returns x as the flat top windowing array x_windowed The windowed signal is then x*x_window McConnell, K. G., "Vibration Testing: Theory and Practice," Wiley, 1995. """ print('flatwin is untested') if isinstance(x, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)): n = x.shape[1] f = flatwin(n) if len(x.shape) == 3: f, _, _ = np.meshgrid(f[0, :], np.arange( x.shape[0]), np.arange(x.shape[2])) else: f, _ = np.meshgrid(f[0, :], np.arange(x.shape[0])) else: n = x f = np.reshape( (1.0 - 1.933 * np.cos(2 * np.pi * (np.arange(n)) / (n - 1)) + 1.286 * np.cos(4 * np.pi * (np.arange(n)) / (n - 1)) - 0.338 * np.cos(6 * np.pi * (np.arange(n)) / (n - 1)) + 0.032 * np.cos(8 * np.pi * (np.arange(n)) / (n - 1))), (1, -1)) f = f / la.norm(f) * np.sqrt(n) return f
[docs]def boxwin(x): """Return the n point box window (uniform). Returns x as the boxwin windowing array x_windowed The windowed signal is then x*x_window """ print('boxwin is untested') if isinstance(x, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)): n = x.shape[1] f = boxwin(n) if len(x.shape) == 3: f, _, _ = np.meshgrid(f[0, :], np.arange( x.shape[0]), np.arange(x.shape[2])) else: f, _ = np.meshgrid(f[0, :], np.arange(x.shape[0])) else: n = x # f=np.reshape((1.0-1.933*np.cos(2*np.pi*(np.arange(n))/(n-1))+1.286*np.cos(4*np.pi*(np.arange(n))/(n-1))-0.338*np.cos(6*np.pi*(np.arange(n))/(n-1))+0.032*np.cos(8*np.pi*(np.arange(n))/(n-1))),(1,-1)) f = np.reshape(np.ones((1, n)), (1, -1)) f = f / la.norm(f) * np.sqrt(n) return f
[docs]def hannwin(*args, **kwargs): """Alternative for function `hanning`.""" return hanning(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]def asd(x, t, windowname="hanning", ave=bool(True)): """Return autospectrum (power spectrum) density of a signal x. Parameters ---------- x : float array Data array (n x N x m) where n is the number of sensors, m the number of experiments. t : float array Time array (1 x N) windowname : string Name of windowing function to use. See `window`. ave : bool, optional(True) Average result or not? Returns ------- f : float array Frequency vector (1 x N) Pxx : float array Autospectrum (n x N) or (n x N x m) if not averaged. Examples -------- >>> from scipy import signal >>> import numpy as np >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> import vibrationtesting as vt >>> import numpy.linalg as la Generate a 5 second test signal, a 10 V sine wave at 50 Hz, corrupted by 0.001 V**2/Hz of white noise sampled at 1 kHz. >>> sample_freq = 1e3 >>> tfinal = 5 >>> sig_freq=50 >>> A=10 >>> noise_power = 0.0001 * sample_freq / 2 >>> noise_power = A/1e12 >>> time = np.arange(0,tfinal,1/sample_freq) >>> time = np.reshape(time, (1, -1)) >>> x = A*np.sin(2*np.pi*sig_freq*time) >>> x = x + np.random.normal(scale=np.sqrt(noise_power), ... size=(1, time.shape[1])) >>> fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2,1) >>> ax1.plot(time[0,:],x[0,:]) [<matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at ...>] >>> ax1.set_title('Time history') Text(0.5,1,'Time history') >>> ax1.set_xlabel('Time (sec)') Text(0.5,0,'Time (sec)') >>> ax1.set_ylabel('$x(t)$') Text(0,0.5,'$x(t)$') Compute and plot the autospectrum density. >>> freq_vec, Pxx = vt.asd(x, time, windowname="hanning", ave=bool(False)) >>> ax2.plot(freq_vec, 20*np.log10(Pxx[0,:])) [<matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at ...>] >>> ax2.set_ylim([-400, 100]) (-400, 100) >>> ax2.set_xlabel('frequency (Hz)') Text(0.5,0,'frequency (Hz)') >>> ax2.set_ylabel('PSD (V**2/Hz)') Text(0,0.5,'PSD (V**2/Hz)') If we average the last half of the spectral density, to exclude the peak, we can recover the noise power on the signal. """ f, Pxx = crsd(x, x, t, windowname=windowname, ave=ave) Pxx = Pxx.real return f, Pxx
[docs]def crsd(x, y, t, windowname="hanning", ave=bool(True)): """ Calculate the cross spectrum (power spectrum) density between two signals. Parameters ---------- x, y : arrays Data array (n x N x m) where n is the number of sensors, m the number of experiments. t : array Time array (1 x N) windowname : string Name of windowing function to use ave : bool, optional Average result or not? Returns ------- f : array Frequency vector (1 x N) Pxy : array Autospectrum (n x N) or (n x N x m) if not averaged. Examples -------- >>> from scipy import signal >>> import numpy as np >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> import vibrationtesting as vt >>> import numpy.linalg as la Generate a 5 second test signal, a 10 V sine wave at 50 Hz, corrupted by 0.001 V**2/Hz of white noise sampled at 1 kHz. >>> sample_freq = 1e3 >>> tfinal = 5 >>> sig_freq=50 >>> A=10 >>> noise_power = 0.0001 * sample_freq / 2 >>> noise_power = A/1e12 >>> time = np.arange(0,tfinal,1/sample_freq) >>> time = np.reshape(time, (1, -1)) >>> x = A*np.sin(2*np.pi*sig_freq*time) >>> x = x + np.random.normal(scale=np.sqrt(noise_power), ... size=(1, time.shape[1])) >>> fig = plt.figure() >>> plt.subplot(2,1,1) <matplotlib...> >>> plt.plot(time[0,:],x[0,:]) [<matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at ...>] >>> plt.title('Time history') Text(0.5,1,'Time history') >>> plt.xlabel('Time (sec)') Text(0.5,0,'Time (sec)') >>> plt.ylabel('$x(t)$') Text(0,0.5,'$x(t)$') Compute and plot the autospectrum density. >>> freq_vec, Pxx = vt.asd(x, time, windowname="hanning", ave=bool(False)) >>> plt.subplot(2,1,2) <matplotlib...> >>> plt.plot(freq_vec, 20*np.log10(Pxx[0,:])) [<matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at ...>] >>> plt.ylim([-400, 100]) (-400, 100) >>> plt.xlabel('frequency (Hz)') Text(0.5,0,'frequency (Hz)') >>> plt.ylabel('PSD (V**2/Hz)') Text(0,0.5,'PSD (V**2/Hz)') >>> fig.tight_layout() """ # t_shape = t.shape t = t.flatten() if len(t) == 1: dt = t else: dt = t[2] - t[1] if dt <= 0: print('You sent in bad data. Delta t is negative. \ Please check your inputs.') if len(x.shape) == 1: x = np.expand_dims(x, axis=0) x = np.expand_dims(x, axis=2) y = np.expand_dims(y, axis=0) y = np.expand_dims(y, axis=2) n = x.shape[1] """ # print(x.shape) # print(y.shape) # No clue what this does, and I wrote it. Comment your code, you fool! # What this "should" do is assure that the data is longer in 0 axis than the others. # if len(x.shape)==2: # The issue fixed here is that the user put time along the 1 axis (instead of zero) # if (x.shape).index(max(x.shape))==0: # #x=x.reshape(max(x.shape),-1,1) # print('I think you put time along the 0 axis instead of the 1 axis. Not even attempting to fix this.') # else: # # Here we are appending a 3rd dimension to simplify averaging command later. We could bypass at that point, and should. # x=x.reshape(max(x.shape),-1,1) # if len(y.shape)==2: # if (y.shape).indey(may(y.shape))==0: # #y=y.reshape(may(y.shape),-1,1) # print('I think you put time along the 0 axis instead of the 1 axis. Not attempting to fix this.') # else: # y=y.reshape(may(y.shape),-1,1) # Should use scipy.signal windows. I need to figure this out. Problem is: They don't scale the ASDs by the windowing "weakening". """ if windowname == "none": win = 1 else: # print('This doesn\'t work yet') win = 1 if windowname == "hanning": # print('shape of x') # print(x.shape) win = window(x, windowname='hanning') elif windowname == "blackwin": win = window(x, windowname='blackwin') elif windowname == "boxwin": win = window(x, windowname='boxwin') elif windowname == "expwin": win = window(x, windowname='expwin') elif windowname == "hammwin": win = window(x, windowname='hamming') elif windowname == "triwin": win = window(x, windowname='triwin') elif windowname == "flatwin": win = window(x, windowname='flatwin') y = y * win x = x * win del win ffty = np.fft.rfft(y, n, axis=1) * dt fftx = np.fft.rfft(x, n, axis=1) * dt Pxy = np.conj(fftx) * ffty / (n * dt) * 2 if len(Pxy.shape) == 3 and Pxy.shape[2] > 1 and ave: Pxy = np.mean(Pxy, 2) nfreq = 1 / dt / 2 f = np.linspace(0, nfreq, Pxy.shape[1]) # /2./np.pi return f, Pxy
[docs]def frfest(x, f, dt, windowname="hanning", ave=bool(True), Hv=bool(False)): r"""Return freq, H1, H2, coh, Hv. Estimates the :math:`H(j\omega)` Frequency Response Functions (FRFs) between :math:`x` and :math:`f`. Parameters ---------- x : float array output or response of system f : float array input to system dt : float time step of samples windowname : string name of leakage window to use ave : bool, optional(True)- currently locked whether or not to average PSDs and ASDs or calculate raw FRFs Hv : bool, optional(False) calculate the :math:`H_v` frequency response function Returns ------- freq : float array frequency vector (1xN) H1 : float array Frequency Response Function :math:`H_1` estimate, (nxN) or (nxNxm) H2 : float array Frequency Response Function :math:`H_2` estimate, (nxN) or (nxNxm) coh : float array Coherance Function :math:`\gamma^2` estimate, (nxN) Hv : float array Frequency Response Function :math:`H_v` estimate, (nxN) or (nxNxm) Currently ``windowname`` and ``ave`` are locked to default values. Examples -------- >>> import control as ctrl >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> import vibrationtesting as vt >>> import numpy as np >>> sample_freq = 1e3 >>> noise_power = 0.001 * sample_freq / 2 >>> A = np.array([[0, 0, 1, 0], ... [0, 0, 0, 1], ... [-200, 100, -.2, .1], ... [100, -200, .1, -.2]]) >>> B = np.array([[0], [0], [1], [0]]) >>> C = np.array([[35, 0, 0, 0], [0, 35, 0, 0]]) >>> D = np.array([[0], [0]]) >>> sys =, B, C, D) >>> tin = np.arange(0, 51.2, .1) >>> nr = .5 # 0 is all noise on input >>> for i in np.arange(520): ... u = np.random.normal(scale=np.sqrt(noise_power), size=tin.shape) ... #print(u) ... t, yout, xout = ctrl.forced_response(sys, tin, u,rtol=1e-12) ... if 'Yout' in locals(): ... Yout=np.dstack((Yout,yout ... +nr*np.random.normal(scale=.050*np.std(yout[0,:]), ... size=yout.shape))) ... Ucomb=np.dstack((Ucomb,u+(1-nr) ... *np.random.normal(scale=.05*np.std(u), ... size=u.shape))) ... else: ... Yout=yout+nr*np.random.normal(scale=.05*np.std(yout[0,:]), ... size=yout.shape) ... # noise on output is 5% scale of input ... Ucomb=u+(1-nr)*np.random.normal(scale=.05*np.std(u), ... size=u.shape)#(1, len(tin))) ... # 5% noise signal on input >>> f, Hxy1, Hxy2, coh, Hxyv = vt.frfest(Yout, Ucomb, t, Hv=bool(True)) >>> vt.frfplot(f,Hxy2,freq_max=3.5, legend=['$H_{11}$', '$H_{12}$']) ... # doctest: +SKIP >>> vt.frfplot(f, np.vstack((Hxy1[0,:], Hxy2[0,:], Hxyv[0,:])), ... legend=['$H_{11-1}$','$H_{11-2}$','$H_{11-v}$']) ... # doctest: +SKIP Notes ----- .. note:: Not compatible with scipy.signal functions .. seealso:: :func:`asd`, :func:`crsd`, :func:`frfplot`. .. warning:: hanning window cannot be selected yet. Averaging cannot be unslected yet. .. todo:: Fix averaging, windowing, multiple input. """ if len(f.shape) == 1: f = f.reshape(1, -1, 1) if len(x.shape) == 1: x = x.reshape(1, -1, 1) if len(f.shape) == 2: if (f.shape).index(max(f.shape)) == 0: f = f.reshape(max(f.shape), min(f.shape), 1) else: f = f.reshape(1, max(f.shape), min(f.shape)) if len(x.shape) == 2: if (x.shape).index(max(x.shape)) == 0: x = x.reshape(max(x.shape), min(x.shape), 1) else: x = x.reshape(1, max(x.shape), min(x.shape)) # Note: Two different ways to ignore returned values shown Pff = asd(f, dt, windowname=windowname)[1] # print('works until here?') # print(x.shape) # print(f.shape) # print('crsd') # print(x.shape) # print(f.shape) freq, Pxf = crsd(x, f, dt, windowname=windowname) _, Pxx = asd(x, dt) # Note Pfx=conj(Pxf) is applied in the H1 FRF estimation Txf1 = np.conj(Pxf / Pff) Txf2 = Pxx / Pxf # Nulled to avoid output problems/simplify calls if unrequested Txfv = np.zeros_like(Txf1) coh = (Pxf * np.conj(Pxf)).real / Pxx / Pff if Hv: for i in np.arange(Pxx.shape[1]): frfm = np.array( [[Pff[0, i], np.conj(Pxf[0, i])], [Pxf[0, i], Pxx[0, i]]]) alpha = 1 # np.sqrt(Pff[0,i]/Pxx[0,i]) frfm = np.array([[Pff[0, i], alpha * np.conj(Pxf[0, i])], [alpha * Pxf[0, i], alpha**2 * Pxx[0, i]]]) lam, vecs = la.eigh(frfm) index = lam.argsort() lam = lam[index] vecs = vecs[:, index] Txfv[0, i] = -(vecs[0, 0] / vecs[1, 0]) / alpha # *np.sqrt(alpha) # a = 1 # b = -Pxx[0, i] - Pff[0, i] # c = Pxx[0, i] * Pff[0, i] - abs(Pxf[0, i])**2 # lambda1 = (-b - np.sqrt(b**2 - 4 * a * c)) / 2 / a return freq, Txf1, Txf2, coh, Txfv """# def acorr(self, x, **kwargs): # """
# Plot the autocorrelation of `x`. # Parameters # ---------- # x : sequence of scalar # hold : boolean, optional, default: True # detrend : callable, optional, default: `mlab.detrend_none` # x is detrended by the `detrend` callable. Default is no # normalization. # normed : boolean, optional, default: True # if True, normalize the data by the autocorrelation at the 0-th # lag. # usevlines : boolean, optional, default: True # if True, Axes.vlines is used to plot the vertical lines from the # origin to the acorr. Otherwise, Axes.plot is used. # maxlags : integer, optional, default: 10 # number of lags to show. If None, will return all 2 * len(x) - 1 # lags. # Returns # ------- # (lags, c, line, b) : where: # - `lags` are a length 2`maxlags+1 lag vector. # - `c` is the 2`maxlags+1 auto correlation vectorI # - `line` is a `~matplotlib.lines.Line2D` instance returned by # `plot`. # - `b` is the x-axis. # Other parameters # ----------------- # linestyle : `~matplotlib.lines.Line2D` prop, optional, default: None # Only used if usevlines is False. # marker : string, optional, default: 'o' # Notes # ----- # The cross correlation is performed with :func:`numpy.correlate` with # `mode` = 2. # Examples # -------- # `~matplotlib.pyplot.xcorr` is top graph, and # `~matplotlib.pyplot.acorr` is bottom graph. # .. plot:: mpl_examples/pylab_examples/ # """ # return self.xcorr(x, x, **kwargs) # @docstring.dedent_interpd # def xcorr(self, x, y, normed=True, detrend=mlab.detrend_none, # usevlines=True, maxlags=10, **kwargs): # """ # Plot the cross correlation between *x* and *y*. # Parameters # ---------- # x : sequence of scalars of length n # y : sequence of scalars of length n # hold : boolean, optional, default: True # detrend : callable, optional, default: `mlab.detrend_none` # x is detrended by the `detrend` callable. Default is no # normalization. # normed : boolean, optional, default: True # if True, normalize the data by the autocorrelation at the 0-th # lag. # usevlines : boolean, optional, default: True # if True, Axes.vlines is used to plot the vertical lines from the # origin to the acorr. Otherwise, Axes.plot is used. # maxlags : integer, optional, default: 10 # number of lags to show. If None, will return all 2 * len(x) - 1 # lags. # Returns # ------- # (lags, c, line, b) : where: # - `lags` are a length 2`maxlags+1 lag vector. # - `c` is the 2`maxlags+1 auto correlation vectorI # - `line` is a `~matplotlib.lines.Line2D` instance returned by # `plot`. # - `b` is the x-axis (none, if plot is used). # Other parameters # ----------------- # linestyle : `~matplotlib.lines.Line2D` prop, optional, default: None # Only used if usevlines is False. # marker : string, optional, default: 'o' # Notes # ----- # The cross correlation is performed with :func:`numpy.correlate` with # `mode` = 2. # """ # Nx = len(x) # if Nx != len(y): # raise ValueError('x and y must be equal length') # x = detrend(np.asarray(x)) # y = detrend(np.asarray(y)) # c = np.correlate(x, y, mode=2) # if normed: # c /= np.sqrt(, x) *, y)) # if maxlags is None: # maxlags = Nx - 1 # if maxlags >= Nx or maxlags < 1: # raise ValueError('maglags must be None or strictly ' # 'positive < %d' % Nx) # lags = np.arange(-maxlags, maxlags + 1) # c = c[Nx - 1 - maxlags:Nx + maxlags] # if usevlines: # a = self.vlines(lags, [0], c, **kwargs) # b = self.axhline(**kwargs) # else: # kwargs.setdefault('marker', 'o') # kwargs.setdefault('linestyle', 'None') # a, = self.plot(lags, c, **kwargs) # b = None # return lags, c, a, b"""
[docs]def frfplot(freq, H, freq_min=0, freq_max=None, type=1, legend=[]): """Frequency Response function pretty plotting. Plots frequency response functions in a variety of formats Parameters ---------- freq : float array Frequency vector (rad/sec), (1xN) H : float array Frequency response functions (nxN) freq_min : float, optional Low frequency for plot (default 0) freq_min : float, optional High frequency for plot (default max frequency) legend : string array Array of string for use in legend. type : int, optional Plot type. See notes. Returns ------- ax : axis objects allows manipulation of plot parameters (xlabel, title...) Examples -------- >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> import vibrationtesting as vt >>> import numpy as np >>> f=np.linspace(0,100,10000).reshape(-1,1); >>> w=f*2*np.pi; >>> k=1e5;m=1;c=1; >>> frf1=1./(m*(w*1j)**2+c*1j*w+k) >>> frf2=1./(m*(w*1j)**2+c*1j*w+k*3) >>> _ = vt.frfplot(f,np.hstack((frf1,frf2)), legend = ['FRF 1','FRF 2']) ... # doctest: +SKIP Notes ----- +---------+------------------------------------------------+ | type | Plot style | +=========+================================================+ | 1 (def) | Magnitude and Phase versus F | +---------+------------------------------------------------+ | 2 | Magnitude and Phase versus log10(F) | +---------+------------------------------------------------+ | 3 | Bodelog (Magnitude and Phase versus log10(w)) | +---------+------------------------------------------------+ | 4 | Real and Imaginary | +---------+------------------------------------------------+ | 5 | Nyquist (Imaginary versus Real) | +---------+------------------------------------------------+ | 6 | Magnitude versus F | +---------+------------------------------------------------+ | 7 | Phase versus F | +---------+------------------------------------------------+ | 8 | Real versus F | +---------+------------------------------------------------+ | 9 | Imaginary versus F | +---------+------------------------------------------------+ | 10 | Magnitude versus log10(F) | +---------+------------------------------------------------+ | 11 | Phase versus log10(F) | +---------+------------------------------------------------+ | 12 | Real versus log10(F) | +---------+------------------------------------------------+ | 13 | Imaginary versus log10(F) | +---------+------------------------------------------------+ | 14 | Magnitude versus log10(w) | +---------+------------------------------------------------+ | 15 | Phase versus log10(w) | +---------+------------------------------------------------+ .. seealso:: `frfest` Copyright J. Slater, Dec 17, 1994 Updated April 27, 1995 Ported to Python, July 1, 2015 """ FLAG = type # Plot type, should libe renamed throughout. freq = freq.reshape(1, -1) lenF = freq.shape[1] if len(H.shape) is 1: H = H.reshape(1, -1) if H.shape[0] > H.shape[1]: H = H.T if freq_max is None: freq_max = np.max(freq) if freq_min is None: freq_min = np.min(freq) if freq_min < np.min(freq): freq_min = np.min(freq) if freq_min > freq_max: raise ValueError('freq_min must be less than freq_max.') # print(str(np.amin(freq))) inlow = int(lenF * (freq_min - np.amin(freq) ) // (np.amax(freq) - np.amin(freq))) inhigh = int(lenF * (freq_max - np.amin(freq) ) // (np.amax(freq) - np.amin(freq)) - 1) # if inlow<1,inlow=1;end # if inhigh>lenF,inhigh=lenF;end """print('freq shape: {}'.format(freq.shape)) print('H shape: {}'.format(H.shape)) print('Index of low frequency: {}'.format(inlow)) print('Index of high frequency: {}'.format(inhigh))""" H = H[:, inlow:inhigh] # print(H.shape) freq = freq[:, inlow:inhigh] mag = 20 * np.log10(np.abs(H)) # print(mag) # print(mag.shape) minmag = np.min(mag) maxmag = np.max(mag) phase = np.unwrap(np.angle(H)) * 180 / np.pi # phmin_max=[min(phase)//45)*45 ceil(max(max(phase))/45)*45]; phmin = np.amin(phase) // 45 * 45.0 phmax = (np.amax(phase) // 45 + 1) * 45 """minreal = np.amin(np.real(H)) maxreal = np.amax(np.real(H)) minimag = np.amin(np.imag(H)) maximag = np.amax(np.imag(H))""" if FLAG is 1: fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2, 1) ax1.plot(freq.T, mag.T) ax1.set_xlabel('Frequency (Hz)') ax1.set_ylabel('Mag (dB)') ax1.grid() ax1.set_xlim(xmax=freq_max, xmin=freq_min) ax1.set_ylim(ymax=maxmag, ymin=minmag) ax2.plot(freq.T, phase.T) ax2.set_xlabel('Frequency (Hz)') ax2.set_ylabel('Phase (deg)') ax2.grid() ax2.set_xlim(xmax=freq_max, xmin=freq_min) ax2.set_ylim(ymax=phmax, ymin=phmin) ax2.set_yticks(np.arange(phmin, (phmax + 45), 45)) fig.tight_layout() if len(legend) > 0: plt.legend(legend) ax = (ax1, ax2) else: print("Sorry, that option isn't supported yet") return ax """# elif FLAG==2: # subplot(2,1,1) # semilogx(F,mag) # xlabel('Frequency (Hz)') # ylabel('Mag (dB)') # grid on # % Fmin,Fmax,min(mag),max(mag) # axis([Fmin Fmax minmag maxmag]) # subplot(2,1,2) # semilogx(F,phase) # xlabel('Frequency (Hz)') # ylabel('Phase (deg)') # grid on # axis([Fmin Fmax phmin_max(1) phmin_max(2)]) # gridmin_max=round(phmin_max/90)*90; # set(gca,'YTick',gridmin_max(1):90:gridmin_max(2)) # elif FLAG==3: # subplot(2,1,1) # mag=20*log10(abs(Xfer)); # semilogx(F*2*pi,mag) # xlabel('Frequency (Rad/s)') # ylabel('Mag (dB)') # grid on # axis([Wmin Wmax minmag maxmag]) # zoom on # subplot(2,1,2) # semilogx(F*2*pi,phase) # xlabel('Frequency (Rad/s)') # ylabel('Phase (deg)') # grid on # axis([Wmin Wmax phmin_max(1) phmin_max(2)]) # gridmin_max=round(phmin_max/90)*90; # set(gca,'YTick',gridmin_max(1):90:gridmin_max(2)) # elseif FLAG==4 # subplot(2,1,1) # plot(F,real(Xfer)) # xlabel('Frequency (Hz)') # ylabel('Real') # grid on # axis([Fmin Fmax minreal maxreal]) # zoom on # subplot(2,1,2) # plot(F,imag(Xfer)) # xlabel('Frequency (Hz)') # ylabel('Imaginary') # grid on # axis([Fmin Fmax minimag maximag]) # zoom on # elseif FLAG==5 # subplot(1,1,1) # imax=round(length(F)*Fmax/max(F)); # imin=round(length(F)*Fmin/max(F))+1; # plot(real(Xfer(imin:imax)),imag(Xfer(imin:imax))) # xlabel('Real') # ylabel('Imaginary') # grid on # zoom on # elseif FLAG==6 # subplot(1,1,1) # mag=20*log10(abs(Xfer)); # plot(F,mag) # xlabel('Frequency (Hz)') # ylabel('Mag (dB)') # grid on # axis([Fmin Fmax minmag maxmag]) # zoom on # elseif FLAG==7 # subplot(1,1,1) # plot(F,phase) # xlabel('Frequency (Hz)') # ylabel('Phase (deg)') # grid on # phmin_max=[floor(min(phase)/45)*45 ceil(max(phase)/45)*45]; # axis([Fmin Fmax phmin_max(1) phmin_max(2)]) # gridmin_max=round(phmin_max/90)*90; # set(gca,'YTick',gridmin_max(1):90:gridmin_max(2)) # zoom on # elseif FLAG==8 # subplot(1,1,1) # plot(F,real(Xfer)) # xlabel('Frequency (Hz)') # ylabel('Real') # grid on # axis([Fmin Fmax minreal maxreal]) # zoom on # elseif FLAG==9 # subplot(1,1,1) # plot(F,imag(Xfer)) # xlabel('Frequency (Hz)') # ylabel('Imaginary') # grid on # axis([Fmin Fmax minimag maximag]) # zoom on # elseif FLAG==10 # subplot(1,1,1) # mag=20*log10(abs(Xfer)); # semilogx(F,mag) # xlabel('Frequency (Hz)') # ylabel('Mag (dB)') # grid on # axis([Fmin Fmax minmag maxmag]) # zoom on # elseif FLAG==11 # subplot(1,1,1) # semilogx(F,phase) # xlabel('Frequency (Hz)') # ylabel('Phase (deg)') # grid on # phmin_max=[floor(min(phase)/45)*45 ceil(max(phase)/45)*45]; # axis([Fmin Fmax phmin_max(1) phmin_max(2)]) # gridmin_max=round(phmin_max/90)*90; # set(gca,'YTick',gridmin_max(1):90:gridmin_max(2)) # zoom on # elseif FLAG==12 # subplot(1,1,1) # semilogx(F,real(Xfer)) # xlabel('Frequency (Hz)') # ylabel('Real') # grid on # axis([Fmin Fmax minreal maxreal]) # zoom on # elseif FLAG==13 # subplot(1,1,1) # semilogx(F,imag(Xfer)) # xlabel('Frequency (Hz)') # ylabel('Imaginary') # grid on # axis([Fmin Fmax minimag maximag]) # zoom on # elseif FLAG==14 # subplot(1,1,1) # mag=20*log10(abs(Xfer)); # semilogx(F*2*pi,mag) # xlabel('Frequency (Rad/s)') # ylabel('Mag (dB)') # grid on # axis([Wmin Wmax minmag maxmag]) # zoom on # elseif FLAG==15 # subplot(1,1,1) # semilogx(F*2*pi,phase) # xlabel('Frequency (Rad/s)') # ylabel('Phase (deg)') # grid on # axis([Wmin Wmax phmin_max(1) phmin_max(2)]) # gridmin_max=round(phmin_max/90)*90; # set(gca,'YTick',gridmin_max(1):90:gridmin_max(2)) # zoom on # else # subplot(2,1,1) # mag=20*log10(abs(Xfer)); # plot(F,mag) # xlabel('Frequency (Hz)') # ylabel('Mag (dB)') # grid on # axis([Fmin Fmax minmag maxmag]) # zoom on # subplot(2,1,2) # plot(F,phase) # xlabel('Frequency (Hz)') # ylabel('Phase (deg)') # grid on # phmin_max=[floor(min(phase)/45)*45 ceil(max(phase)/45)*45]; # axis([Fmin Fmax phmin_max(1) phmin_max(2)]) # gridmin_max=round(phmin_max/90)*90; # set(gca,'YTick',gridmin_max(1):90:gridmin_max(2)) # zoom on """
[docs]def xcorr(t, x, y, zeropad=True): """Sorry, no docs or tests yet.""" tau = t # sx = len(x) # sy = len(y) if zeropad is True: Xn = np.fft.rfft(x, n=len(x) * 2) Yn = np.conj(sp.fft(y, n=len(x) * 2)) else: Xn = np.fft.rfft(x) Yn = np.conj(np.fft.rfft(y)) xcor = np.real(fftpack.fftshift(sp.ifft(Xn * Yn))) dt = t[1] - t[0] tau = np.linspace(-len(xcor) / 2 * dt - dt / 2, len(xcor) / 2 * dt - dt / 2, len(xcor)) return tau, xcor
[docs]def hammer_impulse(time, imp_time=None, imp_duration=None, doublehit=False, dh_delta=None): """Generate simulated hammer hit (half sine). Parameters ---------- time : float array 1 x N time array. Suggest using `np.linspace(0,10,1000).reshape(1,-1)` for example imp_time : float (optional) Time of onset of impulse. Default is 0.1 time end time- which traditionally works well for impact testing imp_duration : float (optional) Duration of impulse. Default is 0.01 of total record doublehit : Boolean (optional) Allows repeat of hit to emulate a bad strike. Default is False dh_delta : float (optional) Time difference between primary strike and accidental second strike Default is 0.02 of record. Returns ------- force : float array Examples -------- >>> import vibrationtesting as vt >>> time = np.linspace(0,10,1024).reshape(1,-1) >>> force = vt.hammer_impulse(time, doublehit=True) >>> plt.plot(time.T, force.T) [<matplotlib.lines.Line2D object... """ time_max = np.max(time) if imp_time is None: imp_time = 0.1 * time_max if imp_duration is None: imp_duration = 0.01 * time_max if dh_delta is None: dh_delta = 0.02 dh_delta = dh_delta * time_max time = time.reshape(1, -1) imp_onset_index = int(time.shape[1] * imp_time / time_max) imp_offset_index = int((time.shape[1]) * (imp_time + imp_duration) / time_max) imp_length = imp_offset_index - imp_onset_index T = imp_duration * 2 omega = 2 * np.pi / T impulse = np.sin(omega * time[0, :imp_length]) force = np.zeros_like(time) force[0, imp_onset_index:imp_onset_index + imp_length] = impulse if doublehit is True: doub_onset_index = int(time.shape[1] * (imp_time + dh_delta) / time_max) force[0, doub_onset_index:doub_onset_index + imp_length] = impulse force = force / spi.simps(force.reshape(-1), dx=time[0, 1]) return force
[docs]def decimate(t, in_signal, sample_frequency): r"""Decimate a signal to mimic sampling anti-aliased signal. Returns the signal down-sampled to `sample_frequency` with an anti-aliasing filter applied at 45% of ` sample_frequency`. Parameters ---------- t : float array time array, size (N,) signal : float array signal array, size (N,), (m,N), or (m,N,n) sample_frequency : float new sampling frequency Returns ------- time : float array decimated_signal : float array Examples -------- >>> time = np.linspace(0,4,4096) >>> u = np.random.randn(1,len(time)) >>> ttime, signal_out = decimate(time, u, 100) """ dt = t[1] - t[0] current_frequency = 1 / dt freq_frac = sample_frequency / current_frequency Wn = .9 * freq_frac b, a = signal.butter(8, Wn, 'low') if len(in_signal.shape) > 1: filtered_signal = signal.lfilter(b, a, in_signal, axis=1) else: filtered_signal = signal.lfilter(b, a, in_signal) step = int(1 / freq_frac) time = t[::step] if len(in_signal.shape) == 1: filtered_signal = filtered_signal[::step] elif len(in_signal.shape) == 2: filtered_signal = filtered_signal[:, ::step] elif len(in_signal.shape) == 3: filtered_signal = filtered_signal[:, ::step, :] return time, filtered_signal